


; An individual who embraces their "flaws" and knows they are awesome regardless.

But in reality, most people have not been able to appreciate their own lives. It can be seen how they behave to themselves and listen too much to what people out there have to say. They are too busy to listen to what "people" say not to follow what their own "heart" says. If they look bad in the eyes of others or they even hear that they are hated, they blame themselves too much. It's really hard to get up and start loving yourself, it takes a long process even a lifetime to be able to understand the meaning of our own lives. But that doesn't mean we always fail and stay where we are when we can't accept our flaws. We are always great in our stories, because only us can understand what this lifeline will be like. The first stage that must be passed is "not hearing what people say". Next, it's up to us what we want to do, because this is our life and it's free we want to give color and even what kind of scribbles. Lastly, only hearing criticism and suggestions that makes us better. If you hear bad things about yourself and we are judged by some people, avoid it and don't listen their words. Because in reality, people just want to bring down other people without reflecting on themselves that they also have flaws. Start to love yourself, because in the end what will accompany is our partner and ourselves. For those who have been able to accept their own flaws, congratulations on your happiness and may you always be happy. For those who haven't been able to, it's okay that we still have a long way to go and there is still plenty of time to keep learning new things.

\\\ Accepting our flaws is not mean always bad, depending on how we can overcome these flaws.


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